My foot is healed for those who do not yet was definitely an ordeal, but looking back...and even throughout the experience, I kept feeling like it had happened for a specific reason. Or maybe even several reasons. One I am sure of is that it brought me to the job I have now, which I absolutely love.
I am working at Philadelphia Insurance Companies - downtown. It is a commercial insurance company. Take a look at the website really is an amazing company. Not at all like the typical mega-corporations that tend to run this country. So far I have been pleasantly surprised at all the people I have come in contact with, and really the entire feel of the company. From the way I am treated as an employee to the way Phly gives back to the community. I am an account representative which means I process a lot of requests that come in for submitting new accounts to be quoted and changes on existing accounts.
Wedding planning is going forward...after a bit of time off, I'm now in a rush to get save the date cards out! Also, during the 9 weeks I was out of commission, I got a lot of work done on our favors! I only have a few more to finish and then I can check one more thing off the list!
And now I must be going, but there's just a small bit of what's been going on with me in the last little while.